Recently spent some time at a Southwestern Power Generating Station where we performed troubleshooting on a 10 stage boiler feedwater pump. The proximity probe system (DCS) levels increased beyond the shutdown threshold and there was belief that a couple of dings in the probe tracks were the culprit. So, the alarm threshold was increased (yikes). We assisted with monitoring the system to confirm this belief.
Using our Alta Solutions AS-1250FE dynamic signal analyzer, we were able to not only perform this task, but provide orbit plots with both unfiltered and 1x filtered overlaid on the same plot. This allowed a very simple view to confirm if these dings were causing issues, but how much of an issue as well. As seen, there was very little influence from these dings and that moving the alarm was (and typically always is) a bad idea.
Regardless, the dings will be addressed the next time the pump is out for service…

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